“Rendang” A classic Nusantara Dish.


Rendang is one of the food that symbolize the Nusantara culture and culinary techniques. When I said rendang there are several issue already that has risen especially for the origin of this food. Indonesian always claims that Malaysian steal their food culture and state that rendang is their traditional food that has been copied by Malaysian. Actually there shouldn’t be any issue for this food origin since it is a Nusantara dish which covered both Malaysia and Indonesia country. When we talk about issue, there are already funny history about rendang. In 2018, Judges John Torode and Gregg Wallace in one of western show bravely try to state that Chicken Rendang should have crispy taste. Then they being attacked by netizen that come from entire Nusantara before both of them make an official apologies. This show that you shouldn’t mess with any food culture if you doesn’t want to be attacked.

Rendang have very unique taste that can easily make anybody love with the appetizing aroma and appearance. To make a good rendang, it take very long time since we want to ensure all the spice and ingredients is being cooked perfectly. The use of Kerisik and coconut milk in this dish make it have the unique flavour that you can never taste in other dish. If you are the spicy lover, you can add more grounded chillies or chillies flake in the rendang. Usually, it take about at least 2 hour to make the good rendang and it can take longer based on the quantity and type of protein that we use. For example mutton and beef take longer time to cook rather chicken. Rendang is being cook for long time to ensure all the ingredient are perfectly cook and to let the meat absorb the rendang flavour.

Rendang is commonly known as a food that being serve during special occasion like Eid Al-Fitr and Eid ul Adha. It usually being serve together with Pulut Kuning, Lemang and Ketupat. In Malaysia, there are no Hari Raya celebration without rendang dish. It doesn’t matter if the rendang being Homemade or either buy it from the store, but rendang should be serve on dining table on the morning or at the night of the day of celebration. In past, all families member will together cook all dish include rendang on the night before the celebration day. That’s how the food can help to make people become unified. Now let move to the common rendang that can be found in Malaysia.

Types Of Rendang.

1. Rendang Tok.

This rendang is being classified as Perak state traditional food. If you ever visit Perak, don’t miss your chance to try dish delicious rendang. Rendang tok usually have a dark colour and more dry than other type of rendang.

2.Rendang Minang.

Rendang that been made to meet Negeri Sembilan community preferences. The ingredients is simple and this type of rendang is one of the easiest to make.

3. Rendang Dendeng

Another Perakian traditional dish. This rendang is bit unique since before been cook, the meat is being mix together with spice. If you want to food hunting with rendang as the theme don’t ever forget to include this dish in your list.

4. Rendang Ayam Lengkuas.

Lengkuas in English in Galangal. Just like the name, this rendang use huge amount of galangal to create the unique flavour. This rendang is popular in Sabah state. But trust me if you are rendang lover, you should try this.

5. Rendang cili api

If you love spicy, this is the perfect dish for you. Every bite that you experience while eating this rendang will exposed you to the world of spiciness.

To show gratitude toward the reader here I list the simple rendang recipe that you can use to try make your own rendang at your place.



·         600 gram of chicken or beef.

·         6 tablespoon of cooking oil.

·         1 stick cinnamon

·         2 cloves

·         2 star anise

·         3 cardamom

·         1 lemongrass. ( slice into 3 to 4 cm)

·         1 cup thick coconut milk. (I use saji brand).

·         1 cup of water

·         2 teaspoon tamarind

·         6 kaffir lime leave. (thinly sliced)

·         Turmeric leaves (thinly sliced)

·         7 tablespoon Kerisik

·         1 tablespoon sugar/ to taste

·         Salt to taste

Spice Paste:

·         7 shallots

·         1 inch galangal

·         3 lemongrass

·         6 clove garlic

·         1 inch ginger

·         12- 15 dried chillies that has been soaked in warm water


1. Chop the ingredients for the spice paste, then blend till fine in a food processor.

2. Heat the oil in a stew pot, add in the spice paste, cinnamon, cloves, star anise, and cardamom and stir-fry until aromatic. Add the beef and the pounded lemongrass and stir for a while. Add the coconut milk, tamarind juice, water, and simmer on medium heat, stirring frequently until the meat is almost cooked. Add the kaffir lime leaves, kerisik (toasted coconut), sugar or palm sugar, stirring to blend well with the meat.

3. Lower the heat to low, cover the lid, and simmer for 1 to 1 1/2 hours or until the meat is really tender and the gravy has dried up. Add more salt and sugar to taste. Serve immediately with steamed rice and save some for overnight.


1. Cut the meat against the vein to make the meat soft after being cooked.

2. make sure to alert and keep stirring the ingredients to avoid the spice burned.

3. you can use more dried chillies if you want your rendang become spicier.

4. Don’t eat alone share the happiness with your family.

Believe me if you just follow this recipe and cook with love you will manage to create the perfect rendang dish that you can be proud off. And if you done, do not forget to share it with the loved one. Because there are popular sentence said that sharing is caring. We should spread our love through this beautiful dish.

If you guys want more to know more interesting fact and recipe keep update with the blog.

Thank you!!!
