
Showing posts from January, 2022
  “Rendang” A classic Nusantara Dish.   Rendang is one of the food that symbolize the Nusantara culture and culinary techniques. When I said rendang there are several issue already that has risen especially for the origin of this food. Indonesian always claims that Malaysian steal their food culture and state that rendang is their traditional food that has been copied by Malaysian. Actually there shouldn’t be any issue for this food origin since it is a Nusantara dish which covered both Malaysia and Indonesia country. When we talk about issue, there are already funny history about rendang. In 2018, Judges John Torode and Gregg Wallace in one of western show bravely try to state that Chicken Rendang should have crispy taste. Then they being attacked by netizen that come from entire Nusantara before both of them make an official apologies. This show that you shouldn’t mess with any food culture if you doesn’t want to be attacked. Rendang have very unique taste that can easily mak
    All time Malaysian favourite “Nasi Lemak”. If hibiscus becomes the national flower of Malaysia, nasi lemak becomes the national food of Malaysia. As a Malaysian who grew up in Malaysia, nasi lemak has become a staple dish eaten every morning. Usually, it is eaten with a cup of teh tarik. Traditionally, nasi lemak is wrapped in banana leaves. The name nasi lemak is derived from the taste of the rice itself which is fatty and creamy. Nasi lemak is not like ordinary rice that is grown using ordinary water, but it is grown using coconut milk. Traditionally, nasi lemak is cooked over medium heat or using a steaming technique and it needs to be monitored to prevent the coconut milk from becoming hot. Now, it is cooked using an electric rice cooker. The history of nasi lemak began when the Malay community settled on the coast. The community wants to maximize the use of materials that are in the area such as coconut milk from the fruit, spinach that grows wild, and fish caught in the sea.